Our wish list for March is now here, along with donation days. Please take a look at the items we need, and if they match up with items you are looking to re-home, we can pass them on to families we are supporting. Please book a donation slot. We operate a booking system so that we can manage the …
Tag Archives: kindness
We’re spreading our wings
And we need your help more than ever before! For those of you who are signed up to our mailing list, you will have already heard our big news! We found out at the end of last year that we need to find a new home. There is a planning proposal in place for development …
Dispatches: #SafeAtLast
In a TV first, Channel 4 Dispatches spent over a year filming inside our local women’s refuge, Reigate and Banstead Women’s Aid (RBWA), to shed light on the extreme difficulties faced by survivors of domestic abuse and the funding challenges of the refuge which has become a lifeline for women like them. You can watch …
The kindness of Christmas
“I felt like a proper mum for the first time ever.” It was the end of a busy week at the office when the post arrived one Friday before Christmas 2018. We opened a Christmas card and a crisp ten pound note fell out. The handwritten message inside stopped us in our tracks: “Dear Stripy …
Santa Stork 2018 – our giving day
“Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” – Charles M. Schulz Our Santa Stork campaign really does get more extraordinary every year. This year was our fifth and the Giving Day was an incredible event. Here’s a sense of what it was all about, and some special thanks to those who played their …
Grow your tenner with Stripey Stork
***UPDATE – The Grow Your Tenner campaign has now closed as the full £100,000 match fund pot has been allocated by Localgiving. Thank you to everyone who supported us with this opportunity.*** Every year Localgiving present local charities with an opportunity to make their funds go even further with a match funding opportunity. Many of …
Giving a little boy a happy birthday
“Mum asked for a teddy. It doesn’t even have to be new.” One of our referral sources visited us and asked for some items for a little boy and his Mum. The boy was about to celebrate his 5th Birthday and the Mum had no means to provide him with any gifts. Recently fleeing a …
The dressing gown gift
Trigger warning. This article references domestic abuse. “I went to visit with him last week and he showed me his room. He has nothing in it except for a little rucksack which he packs a few clothes in for his stay each week.” This came from a request we received from a Social Worker we …
Stripes4Stripey 2018 – results are in and we smashed it!
On 21st June 2018 we asked our little corner of the world to dig deep in their wardrobes for all things stripey, then dig deep into their pockets and make a donation to our Stripes4Stripey fund. We can proudly report that you did good! The results are now in, everything has been added up, all …
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Mum2Mum 2018
We’re delighted to announce the launch of our popular “Mum2Mum” campaign. Now in its fifth year, it’s clear that our Mother’s Day campaign resonates with so many of you and we get great feedback from those who donate as well as those who receive. Many of the Mums that we help won’t receive a gift …