Support the stork in 2019

What’s in store for Stripey Stork this year and how can you help to do your part? Read more to find out if 2019 will be the ‘Year of the Stork’… Reflecting on 2018   No post about looking forward would be complete without starting from where we’ve come. 2018 was a big year for …

Mum2Mum 2019

We are excited to announce the launch of our popular Mum2Mum campaign. Now in its sixth year, it’s clear that our Mother’s Day campaign resonates with so many of you and we get great feedback from those who donate, as well as those who receive. Many of the Mums that we help won’t receive a …

Santa Stork 2018 – our giving day

“Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” – Charles M. Schulz Our Santa Stork campaign really does get more extraordinary every year. This year was our fifth and the Giving Day was an incredible event. Here’s a sense of what it was all about, and some special thanks to those who played their …

Grow your tenner with Stripey Stork

***UPDATE – The Grow Your Tenner campaign has now closed as the full £100,000 match fund pot has been allocated by Localgiving. Thank you to everyone who supported us with this opportunity.***   Every year Localgiving present local charities with an opportunity to make their funds go even further with a match funding opportunity. Many of …

Born on the breadline

We watched the recent Channel 4 Dispatches programme – Born on the Breadline, with anticipated interest on Monday 29th October 2018. It highlighted the growing need for UK baby banks in the last 5 years and interviewed some of the working parents who had no choice but to turn to charitable donations to be able …

Stripey Stork’s Christmas tree – we need your help

We just love Christmas at Stripey Stork, not least because it’s when we have our biggest campaign of the year – Santa Stork. What’s going to make Christmas even more special this year is our invitation to take part in the Reigate Christmas Tree Festival. This community event sees many local organisations and community groups …

Three cheers for Run Reigate 2018

On Sunday 16th September the sun was shining bright for the nearly 5,000 runners and thousands more watching, at this year’s Run Reigate. And we did it again – Stripey Stork joined in with this huge community event and had a blast. We’d like to thank the Run Series team for choosing us to be …

The gift that keeps on giving

This blog was written by Suzanne Spilling from Fidelity, who felt inspired to write about her corporate volunteering day with us at Stripey Stork. Originally written for Fidelity’s Intranet, she kindly gave us permission to post on our blog too. We’d like to thank Suzanne for being our guest blogger, and the whole team for …

Stripey’s summer reading list and competition

We were recently sent ten of Penguin Random House’s best picks of summer reading books for children. You can just imagine our excitement when they arrived all shiny and new. They know that we are best-placed to ensure they end up in the right hands – children who are going to read them many times …

Top tips for taking better photos of your kids with a smartphone

This guide is for anyone with children who want to take great photos on the go using their smartphone. It was done in collaboration with a local and professional photographer Rachel Thornhill. In Rachel’s own words: “I think smartphone cameras are brilliant. They allow us to capture the little everyday moments in our children’s lives, …