#SantaStork2017 is our fourth Christmas campaign, and it gets bigger and bigger each year. So many families and companies support this festive giving so we thought we’d share how it all runs behind the scenes, what happens and when. This year it began in early September when we booked the hall for the wrapping day. …
Category Archives: Latest News
Christmas crafts for children
It’s definitely the season, the big man in red himself is almost here, and we’ve taken a break from #SantaStork2017 to put together a collection of crafts you can get the children involved in! You can’t go wrong with some paint, pom poms, paper plates, beads, sequins and all things made mainly from glitter glue… …
Some cash savvy ways support Santa Stork 2017
We’d love you to take part in Santa Stork, but we realise how much pressure there is at Christmas so we’ve put this blog together to show you some ways you can support us while making sure you don’t break the bank: Supermarket/store vouchers like Nectar, Tesco Clubcard and the Boots Advantage Card can be perfect for …
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Stripey Stork Thanksgiving ideas
Thanksgiving is almost upon us, do any of you celebrate it? We love the idea of taking a moment before the ‘busy-ness’ of Christmas overtakes us all, to stop and think about the things we really appreciate. We’ve done this with our children over the past couple of years and find it’s so good for …
The Belfry Santa’s grotto and the big Redhill Christmas light switch on!
We are so excited to be a chosen charity for this year’s Christmas Grotto in The Belfry, Redhill. We’re going to be on hand on Saturday 18th November as “Strictly-Royalty” James and Ola Jordan switch the lights on! Stripey has his Strictly inspired outfit all ready to go and you’re sure to give him a …
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Bonfire night crafts and food
It’s almost Bonfire night and we’ve put together a Pinterest board with craft ideas for the children, and food to enjoy! We love the marble firework painting, it looks like great fun. We’re looking forward to trying out the muffin tin toad in the hole – such a great idea for children, and the slow …
Half term activities and places to go, October 2017
It’s half term! We’re taking a well earned break with the children for the next week, and we know they are thrilled to be off school but if you’re anything like we were earlier, you may just be scratching your head, wondering what you’re going to do to keep them entertained in Surrey over the …
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Our Run Reigate 2017 video
We loved being part of Run Reigate this year and are grateful to everyone who made it so successful for Stripey Stork. We raised over £10k which is just amazing, and these valuable funds will allow us to develop our service and help even more local families in need. We hope you enjoy this …
A successful Run Reigate for Team Stork!
Sunday 17th September and the scene was set in Reigate’s beautiful Priory Park for a very special day. Thousands of runners and their supporters gathered from early in the morning to take part in the Intersport Run Reigate half marathon, 10k, wheelchair race and the kids races. Stripey Stork were honoured to be a charity …
Run Reigate 2017
Join #TeamStork and Run Reigate on Sunday 17th September 2017.