Did you know a female baby stork is also known as a storklet? Well, today I spread my wings and grew into a fully-fledged stork. I have to admit, I hadn’t volunteered for a while, but as Nicola, the inspiration behind Stripey Stork, reassured another volunteer: “That’s absolutely OK, we understand that people have busy …
Category Archives: Latest News
Stripes4Stripey 2018 – results are in and we smashed it!
On 21st June 2018 we asked our little corner of the world to dig deep in their wardrobes for all things stripey, then dig deep into their pockets and make a donation to our Stripes4Stripey fund. We can proudly report that you did good! The results are now in, everything has been added up, all …
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Wear ‘Stripes 4 Stripey’ on Thursday 21st June and help local families in need!
On Thursday 21st June we’re asking you to wear stripes – whether socks, a top, stripey trousers, or an accessory – and donate £5 to help us to help a family in need. Does your child attend a nursery or school which may be able to support us? Can you and your colleagues all wear …
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Stork sacks
At Stripey Stork we are incredibly proud we can bring projects and campaigns to life throughout the year in addition to responding to the requests for help we receive every day. These projects come to life through identifying an unmet need within our community. The idea for Stork Sacks came in 2017 when Carolyn Thom from …
International Women’s Day 2018
It’s International Women’s Day. What does it mean to us? Well, at Stripey Stork we’re incredibly proud of our team. We’re predominately women (although we have some key roles filled by men who also love what we stand for – thank you to them!) and we enjoy the collaboration and teamwork we have both internally …
World Book Day 2018
It’s World Book Day today. Now in its 21st year, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind and marked in over 100 countries all over the world. The aim is to encourage children to explore the pleasures of books – reading books, listening to stories and getting immersed in a fascinating fictional world. Many schools in …
Stripey Stork World Book Day – hacks and costume ideas on a budget!
Word Book Day!! Are those words enough to put you into a tailspin? February is coming to an end very quickly, and now we’re faced with costume planning for World Book Day! Fear not, we’ve created a Pinterest board with some cost effective, simple ideas. There’s a clever no-sew Knight costume, Peter Rabbit complete with …
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Stripey Stork’s ideas for entertaining the children this half term
Half term is almost here and we thought we’d share some budget-friendly ideas with you to fill the days. Here’s hoping for some sunshine! We love Gatton Park and over half term the grounds are open to view the snowdrops. The Wild Things play trail is open and there are some workshops you can book …
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Mum2Mum 2018
We’re delighted to announce the launch of our popular “Mum2Mum” campaign. Now in its fifth year, it’s clear that our Mother’s Day campaign resonates with so many of you and we get great feedback from those who donate as well as those who receive. Many of the Mums that we help won’t receive a gift …
Santa Stork 2017 – our giving day
“Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand” – Dr. Seuss What an incredible day. Today was the #SantaStork2017 giving day. It really does get more extraordinary every single year. We started early and loaded up all the gifts that we’d collected thanks to your …