Stripey Stork is now registered as a charity partner on eBay. This means that you can now sell items on eBay (perhaps those items that you are unable to donate to Stripey Stork) and donate between 10% – 100% of the proceeds to Stripey Stork. You can also choose to add gift aid to this …
Category Archives: Latest News
Registration and Reflection
It’s been a significant week at Stripey Stork as we received notification that we’re officially registered as a charity in England and Wales. 1161613 is the magic number! This change in status doesn’t change what we do day-to-day – we’ve been operating with a small charity constitution and set our processes up to make this …
Mum2Mum 2015 campaign
Today we launch our Mum2Mum campaign for 2015. It was hugely popular last year and we got great feedback from those who donated as well as those who received. With that in mind we are sticking with the same simple format. Show another Mum you care by donating just £5 to Stripey Stork so we can …
Discounts for all supermums!
Happy New Year! The new year is always a time for goal setting. At Stripey Stork we have great plans for the year ahead and have kicked off our year with a flurry of planning and activity towards our 2015 goals. What are you plans for the year? Are they health related? Making more time to …
Santa Stork 2014 – a celebration of ‘giving’
Wow, what a day! Today was the ‘giving event’ for the Santa Stork 2014 campaign, a day many of us wont forget in a hurry. As a result of all your help and support, we passed out gift bags filled to the brim with goodies for 146 children and 56 of their parents – what a result! The referral …
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Stripey Friday giveaway: ‘Yuck! said the Yak”
One of the many things I love about being involved with Stripey Stork is the interesting people you get to meet. People come to donate items or volunteer, and when you get chatting you learn about their families, their jobs and their interests. Alex English is a Reigate mum with two lovely boys, and she got …
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Santa Stork 2014
We are very excited to launch our Christmas campaign – Santa Stork 2014. Our aim is to give a personal gift to as many local children in need as we can this Christmas. We’ve asked our referral sources to send us details of the children (and parents) they support who’d appreciate a special gift and we’ve also …
Vote for us in the ‘Heart of the Community’ awards
It appears that the season for ‘giving’ is early this year. A few days ago we asked you to vote for us in the Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving Programme as we are shortlisted for the chance to win £500 (it’s still not too late if you haven’t voted – click here for details). Stripey Stork …
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A key moment in the Stripey Stork journey
There are moments in the Stripey Stork journey that will stay with me. Moments that come to mind when life is hectic and I question why I started all of this when I have two pre-schoolers keeping me busy day and (very often) night. Times that make you think “This is all worthwhile. Keep going.” …
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Happy 1st Birthday Prince George
Your Royal Highness, Congratulations Kate! You’ve been a Mummy for a whole year now and your precious first born is celebrating his first birthday. It’s quite a milestone and I hope you are taking time to reflect on your journey so far. The first year brings up a whole range of experiences and emotions as …