We know times are incredibly tough for families at the moment, with costs increasing and more pressure on household finances than ever before. For information about referring a family to us, please see our Referrals page.
If you are a professional supporting families, we know there may be other types of help that they need other than the support Stripey Stork can provide. If you are supporting families in Surrey, the below resource directory may be useful.
Health and Welfare Hub – financial support and advice for Surrey residents – www.surreycc.gov.uk/health-and-welfare/support
Reigate & Banstead Mayor’s Trust Fund – a hardship fund designed to support residents of Reigate & Banstead who are experiencing particularly acute financial hardship – www.reigate-banstead.gov.uk/info/20094/voluntary_and_community_sector_support/700/the_mayors_trust_fund
The Mayor of Guildford’s Local Support Fund – for Guildford residents in financial need – www.guildford.gov.uk/article/24412/Apply-for-the-Mayor-of-Guildford-s-Local-Support-Fund
The Mayor of Elmbridge Support Fund – for Elmbridge residents in financial need – www.elmbridge.gov.uk/council/mayor-of-elmbridge-trust-fund
Merstham Millenium Trust – project grants for charitable groups and organisations offering support to residents in Merstham and Gatton. www.mersthammillenniumtrust.org/apply
Guilford Poyle Charities – grants for families in need, eligible for those who live in the central area of Guilford – www.guildfordpoylecharities.org
Guildford Lions Club – will consider one off donations to organisations and small grants for domestic items to individual families in proven need within the Borough of Guildford – www.guildfordlions.com
Walton Charity – grants and funding for local Walton schools to support disadvantaged pupils with learning and other enrichment activities – www.waltoncharity.org.uk/school-grants
Customer Support Fund – Raven Housing Trust – support for Raven House Trust customers only who are struggling financially and have no other sources of help. https://www.ravenht.org.uk/getting-help-and-support/help-with-money-and-benefits/customer-support-fund/
Disability Grants – helps parents or carers of a disabled child of adult with funding https://www.disability-grants.org/
Buttle – dedicated to helping children and young people in crisis in the UK- www.buttleuk.org
Turn2us – helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services – www.turn2us.org.uk
Lightening Reach – connects families in financial hardship to apply for grants they may be entitled to – www.lightningreach.org
Family Fund – provide grants for families with children who have additional needs –www.familyfund.org.uk
Sullivan’s Heroes – funds home adaptions for children with additional needs – www.sullivansheroes.org
The Talisman Charitable Trust – can provide one off grants for people in need to alleviate poverty. Applications should be supported by either a local authority, another charitable organisation or an organisation such as the Citizens Advice Bureau – www.talismancharity.org
Bank Workers Charity – support the health and wellbeing of current and former bank employees and their dependents or partners. Includes support with finances (subject to application and assessment), mental health, debt and money management, and housing – www.bwcharity.org.uk/about-us/our-support-services
End Furniture Poverty – resources to help families find support with furniture and household items – www.endfurniturepoverty.org
Furnistore – can provide items free to families in need, and also sell preloved furniture at affordable prices –www.furnistore.co.uk
Besom – can help with furniture and other household items – Referring Agencies | Dorking Besom
Furniture Link – help families in the community that are struggling on a low income furnish their homes https://www.furniturelinksurrey.org/
Reuse Network – finds donated furniture, household goods and electrical items at a low cost to families who are of a low income – www.reuse-network.org.uk
Epsom & Ewell foodbank – available on referral by a professional – www.epsomewell.foodbank.org.uk
Foodbank at St Mathews Redhill – available on referral by a professional – www.redhillfoodbank.org.uk
Loveworks foodbanks – www.loveworks.org.uk
Horley foodbank – available on referral by a professional – www.horleyfoodbank.com
Dorking Foodbank – available on referral by a professional – www.dorkingarea.foodbank.org.uk/get-help/how-to-get-help
Woking Foodbank – available on referral by a professional – www.woking.foodbank.org.uk
Free Cakes For Kids Woking – free Birthday cakes for children available on referral by a professional – www.freecakesforkids.org.uk or www.instagram.com/free.cakesforkidswoking
East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service – independent charity providing outreach and associated services in the borough of Reigate & Banstead and the districts of Mole Valley and Tandridge – www.esdas.org.uk
North Surrey Domestic Abuse Service – free, confidential, independent and impartial advice to anyone aged 16 or above affected by domestic abuse living in the boroughs of Epsom & Ewell, Elmbridge or Spelthorne – www.nsdas.org.uk
Refuge – national domestic violence charity, providing a network of refuges across the country, support and domestic violence helpline, and advocacy for those within the court process – www.refuge.org.uk
Men’s Advice Line – confidential helpline for men who are currently or who have previously experienced domestic abuse, providing emotional support and practical advice – www.mensadviceline.org.uk
Galop – support for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people experiencing domestic abuse – www.galop.org.uk
Home-Start – branches of volunteer supporters across the UK and provide compassionate, confidential help and expert support to families with young children through home visits, group support and advice on parenting challenges – www.home-start.org.uk
Family Lives – provides free confidential information and advice surrounding parenting challenges such as bullying, eating habits, discipline etc. – www.familylives.org.uk
Welcare Family Centre (Redhill) – provides emotional and practical support to families experiencing temporary or longterm challenges in East Surrey – www.welcare.org/ask-for-support/do-you-need-help
YMCA The Red Oak Family Centre (Merstham) – YMCA East Surrey Family Centres offers a wide range of activities and services to support family life for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-18 years (up to 25 for those with additional needs and disabilities) – https://www.ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk/children/youth-family-services/family-centres/red-oak/
YMCA Horley Family Centre – YMCA East Surrey Family Centres offer a wide range of activities and services to support family life for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-18 years (up to 25 for those with additional needs and disabilities) –https://www.ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk/children/youth-family-services/family-centres/horley/
YMCA Epsom Downs Family Centre – YMCA East Surrey Family Centres offer a wide range of activities and services to support family life for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-18 years (up to 25 for those with additional needs and disabilities) –https://www.ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk/children/youth-family-services/family-centres/epsom-downs/
Other baby banks – for families based outside of Surrey there are baby banks in other parts of the UK – UK baby banks
Mind Works – offers support to children, parents, and young people within Surrey – www.mindworks-surrey.org/professionals/request-support-child-or-young-person
The Lucy Rayner Foundation – Surrey-based service providing support groups and counselling for young adults, and bereavement support for those who have lost a loved one to suicide – www.thelucyraynerfoundation.com
Catalyst – Guildford-based non-profit organisation working with people who are dealing with issues stemming from drug and alcohol misuse and mental health, including housing, involvement with criminal justice, relationships with family and friends and getting back into work – www.catalystsupport.org.uk
Breathing Space – legal protection from creditor action for 60 days for people in debt or mental health crisis – www.surreycc.gov.uk/adults/care-and-support/mental-health/debt-support
Samaritans – providing confidential emotional support for those experiencing feelings of distress or despair including suicidal thoughts – www.samaritans.org
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You matter too. You may be feeling increased pressure to help vulnerable families, or you may be feeling worried about the effects of the cost of living crisis on your own circumstances. We encourage you to take care of your own self, and reach out for support when you need it too.
Our focus is the Surrey region and bordering areas. If you are in a different region, see map of UK baby banks to find one near you.