Stripey’s top 10 fundraising tips

Here’s our top tips for all the fundraisers out there flying the flag for Stripey Stork. You may have a specific challenge in mind or be looking for some inspiration, either way we’d love to hear from you on

  1. Use an online fundraising platform – at Stripey Stork we use This platform links directly to our charity, but also gives our fundraisers the flexibility to create their own fundraising page. We’ve created this simple guide on how to create your own fundraising page here. Using an online platform makes it so much easier to manage and share your fundraising page with friends, family and colleagues. You can centrally make updates and thank everyone after the event. No more fiddly sponsorship forms, but if you do receive offline donations then there is the option to add these to your grand total.
  2. Tell your story – we can’t stress this point enough, let your potential supporters know WHY you’re fundraising for Stripey Stork. Do you have a personal connection to our charity? Have you been a beneficiary in the past? Have you seen first hand the positive impact of our work? What does the challenge mean to you? The best stories are those which come from the heart. And remember to try and capture the reader’s attention in your first sentence.Be clear about what you’re raising money for, even if it’s running costs, these are just as important. Here are some examples of what different amounts of money raised for Stripey Stork could buy.
  3. A picture paints a thousand words – use a smiley photo of yourself in training and brand yourself with one of our charity T-shirts. Ask to borrow our mascot Stripey for a photo shoot. The more photos the better; did you know that fundraising pages raise 14% more per photo added?
  4. Aim high – set yourself a realistic target, but one which isn’t going to be too easy to achieve. When you reach your target, you may feel like you can push even further so increase your target accordingly.
  5. Be creative – think of interesting ways to encourage people to make a donation or donate a little more, such as “if I reach my target then I’ll run in fancy dress”.
  6. Encourage others to join in – ask colleagues, friends and family if they’d like to take part too. Sometimes all it takes are the words “I will if you will”. An added benefit is that you can train together. But, remember to adjust your target according to how many are on your team.
  7. Sharing is caring – as well as sharing your fundraising link with friends and followers, ask others to do the same. Social media has made this so easy to do, and they may not have even considered this is another way in which they can support you.Don’t forget to use all the tools at your disposal; email and WhatsApp are great platforms too. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask, especially if you aren’t a serial fundraiser. Your friends and family will most likely want to support and encourage you through sponsorship.
  8. Gift Aid it! Include a note to encourage your supporters to add that all important gift aid. UK tax payers can add an optional 25% to their donation, at no extra cost to them.
  9. A match made in heaven – don’t forget to ask your employer if they offer match funding. Many larger companies have this as an employee benefit, up to a certain amount and as long as it’s for a registered UK charity (our charity number is 1161613), so it’s always worth asking.
  10. They think it’s all over, and it is now – make sure you follow-up after the event, as not all funds come in beforehand. It may be the reminder they need for someone who’s been meaning to donate but hasn’t got around to it yet.

Most of all, enjoy the challenge and what you’re achieving. And remember, we are here to support you every step of the way!

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