Stripey Stork is a baby bank, much like a food bank, but instead of food, we provide bundles of essential items to families facing hardship. We give out practical items that families and children need – for example: clothing, school uniform, prams, cots, bedding, toiletries and toys – completely free of charge. Families come to us when they’re struggling and can’t afford the essentials they need.
We know there is no set definition of hardship. You don’t have to meet any strict criteria, or show any evidence. You do not have to be receiving benefits, and many families referred to us are working. The person who refers you can fill in a form to confirm the help you need.
The items we give out are clean, safe and in great condition. Every bundle is thoughtfully prepared by our volunteers to ensure you receive high-quality items with dignity and care.
If you have children aged 0-18 and live in Surrey or Croydon, keep reading to find out how we can support your family.
Essential items such as clothing, cots, prams and highchairs, for children aged 0-18
Toiletries, nappies, toys, and books throughout the year
School uniform items all year round including shirts, trousers, skirts, dresses, PE kits, and shoes
Christmas presents for children, Eid gifts, Mother's day gifts
If you have children aged 0-18 and live in Surrey or Croydon then please see our referral process below:
Wait for your items: Your referral partner will pick up the items from us and arrange to get them to you. You do not have to travel to us.
Essential items such as clothing, cots, prams and highchairs for children aged 0-18
Toiletries, nappies, toys and books, activity packs available throughout the year
School uniform items all year round including shirts, trousers, skirts, dresses, PE kits, and shoes
Christmas presents for children, gifts for Eid, Diwali, Mother's day and Father's Day
If you have children aged 0-18 and live in Surrey or Croydon then please see our referral process below:
Wait for your items: Your referral partner will pick up the items from us and arrange to get them to you. You do not have to travel to us.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
If you are struggling right now, whether that be financially, emotionally or practically, we encourage you to reach out to some of the organisations listed below, even if you just speak to someone for advice on where to look for further help.
Some organisations, like us, will require you to have a referral from a professional, such as a midwife, health visitor, school, nursery or family centre – see above list.
We are part of a wide network of over 300 baby banks across the UK. If you live outside of Surrey or Croydon, help is available. Take a look at the map on our website to find your nearest baby bank.
Community Debt Advice – expert free debt advice for those living in the Redhill area –
Money helper – free impartial guidance surrounding finances –
Free School meal – eligibility checker –
Citizens Advice – help with debt, financial support, and benefits –
Step Change Debt Charity – independent debt counselling and debt management plans, no charge for the service –
Health and Welfare Hub – financial support and advice for Surrey residents –
Buttle – dedicated to helping children and young people in crisis in the UK –
Surrey Crisis Fund – financial help to Surrey residents
who have nowhere else to turn in an
emergency or following a disaster –
Turn2us – help for individuals to access benefits, charitable grants and support services, including a useful Benefits Calculator –
Lightening Reach – connects families in financial hardship to apply for grants they may be entitled to –
Sullivan’s Heroes – funds home adaptions for children with additional needs –
Family Fund – grants for families with children who have additional needs –
Walton Charity – a direct grants programme that supports individuals and families in Elmbridge facing financial difficulty. The grant is to contribute to everyday essentials and bigger costs such as course fees and household items –
Bank Workers Charity – support the health and wellbeing of current and former bank employees and their dependents or partners. Includes support with finances (subject to application and assessment), mental health, debt and money management, and housing –
Shelter – offers advice on housing issues and homelessness –
If you are living in a Housing Association property, they usually have specific teams to advise / support on housing issues, including financial support. Check their website for more information.
Home-Start – have branches of volunteer supporters across the UK and provide compassionate, confidential help and expert support to families with young children through home visits, group support and advice on parenting challenges –
Family Lives – free confidential information and advice surrounding parenting challenges such as, bullying, eating habits, discipline etc. –
Warm Hubs – places where people can enjoy a safe, warm and friendly environment in which to enjoy a hot drink, social activity, and receive information and advice –
Binti – period dignity, making period products to those that need them. Collection boxes where residents can help themselves to pads if needed, in locations (such as libraries) across Surrey –
Surrey Family Information Service – directory of advice, support and information
on a range of subjects such as family activities, holiday clubs and support groups –
Surrey Care Trust – provides opportunities for parents to undertake courses, adults wanting to learn new skills, children who are struggling at school to undertake programs / mentoring, free counselling for ages 16-25 years –
Welcare Family Centre (Redhill) – provides emotional and practical support to families experiencing temporary or longterm challenges in East Surrey –
The Red Oak Family Centre (Merstham) – provides a friendly place where families can come to access advice and support, as well as a wide range of activities to help make a positive difference to families with children under age 11 –
YMCA Family Centre (Horley) – provide advice, information, family support, courses and activities –
Epsom Downs Family Centre – a safe, secure and welcoming place for parents and carers with children to meet, play, learn, share their experiences, find support, information and advice –
Your local family centre – find your nearest Surrey family centre by borough / district
Open Hands Reigate – Reigate Baptist Church foodbank. Request a food parcel –
Trussell Trust Foodbanks in Surrey work on a voucher system. Speak to a professional or the foodbank directly to enquire how to get vouchers. Once you have been provided with foodbank vouchers you will then be able to access a local foodbank directly. They also have a free confidential helpline 0808 208 2138 – advisers can help with money advice, navigating the benefits system and issuing emergency food vouchers.
Community fridges & food clubs / pantries – community fridges are free, non-means tested and open to all. They bring people together to share food which would otherwise have gone to waste. Food clubs / pantries are where you pay a small annual subscription and minimal weekly fee. In return members receive a bag of nutritious and in-date food supplied by supermarkets. The food includes dry and tinned groceries, fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables close to ‘sell by’ date:
Mind Works – offers support to children, parents, and young people within Surrey –
The Lucy Rayner Foundation – is a Surrey-based service providing support groups and counselling for young adults, and bereavement support for those who have lost a loved one to suicide –
NHS Mental Health Crisis Support – helpline to speak to a friendly and well-trained member of staff if you’ve reached breaking point. Open 24/7 on 0800 915 4644 or text 07717 989024
Catalyst – is a Guildford-based non-profit organisation working with people who are dealing with issues stemming from drug and alcohol misuse and mental health – including housing, involvement with criminal justice, relationships with family and friends and getting back into work –
Breathing Space – legal protection from creditor action for 60 days for people in debt or mental health crisis –
Samaritans – providing confidential emotional support for those experiencing feelings of distress or despair including suicidal thoughts –
East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service – an independent charity providing outreach and associated services in the borough of Reigate & Banstead and the districts of Mole Valley and Tandridge –
North Surrey Domestic Abuse Service – free, confidential, independent and impartial advice to anyone aged 16 or above affected by domestic abuse living in the boroughs of Epsom & Ewell, Elmbridge or Spelthorne –
Refuge – national domestic violence charity, providing a network of refuges across the country, support and domestic violence helpline, and advocacy for those within the court process –
Men’s Advice Line – is a confidential helpline for men who are currently or who have previously experienced domestic abuse, providing emotional support and practical advice –
Galop – support for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people experiencing domestic abuse –
End Furniture Poverty – resources to help families find support with furniture and household items –
Furnistore – can provide items free to families in need, and also sell preloved furniture at affordable prices –
Furniture Link – help families in the community that are struggling on a low income furnish their homes
Reuse Network – finds donated furniture, household goods and electrical items at a low cost to families who are of a low income –
Our focus is the Surrey region and bordering areas. If you are in a different region, see map of UK baby banks to find one near you.