A gift for Mum- all Mums and carers are Superheroes!

Every mum and carer deserves to feel special on Mother's Day.

A Gift for Mum is our annual Mother’s Day campaign, bringing our community together to honour and celebrate mums and carers. We believe every mum and carer deserves to hear that they’re doing an amazing job. However, with many households facing challenges right now, even the smallest gift to mark the day can feel out of reach.

At Stripey Stork, we see firsthand how the rising cost of living is affecting local families. Our referral partners share stories of superhero mums and carers who go above and beyond in difficult circumstances—often putting their own needs last and regularly sacrificing for their children. Many wouldn’t dream of spending money on themselves, and some lack a support network to ensure they have a gift to open on Mother’s Day.

We want to change that by providing the mums and carers referred to us with a thoughtful pampering gift and a handwritten card. This small gesture carries a powerful message: it shows they’re valued by the community and appreciated for everything they do.

Ways to support a Mum or carer this Mother's Day

Information for referral partners

You will be able request a pampering gift set and handwritten Mother’s Day card for Mum you are supporting. Please add an ‘A Gift for Mum’ pack to your referral for collection. Available from Friday 14th February

Information for referral partners

You will be able request a pampering gift set and handwritten Mother’s Day card for Mum you are supporting. Please add an ‘A Gift for Mum’ pack to your referral for collection.

I was quite tearful to receive such an amazing gift. As my daughter is only 3, I had come to the conclusion any Mother’s Day gifts I received would be ones I paid for. This just changed it all! Knowing there are people empathising with your struggles and offering kindness and support is just so uplifting and heart warming.

The family was super gratfull for the mother's day gift and the clothes bag. It make them feel they do matter to other people around them and gave them hope that they will get through this hard times

Please pass on my thanks, it was such a joy opening the bag and seeing all the things. There were mini size creams of a brand I love which I can’t afford to buy. It was all absolutely lovely and I really appreciated it.

This is another incredible offer from Stripey Stork. It allows us as schools to engage with our parents on a different level showing how much we value and care about them. It also allows us to acknowledge the hard work our families put into their children, whatever their challenges are. I have had feedback from families with nothing but positivity regarding how the gifts made them feel. The content was huge and the families I spoke with felt overwhelmed by the generosity so thank you!

The gift that keeps on giving...

Subject to availability, any gift packs leftover after Mother’s Day will be distributed in the weeks following. If we are lucky enough to have even more left after this period, then we will be including them with our ‘care packages’ sent throughout the year to local families in need – as a gift to Mum if it’s felt that it will be a well-received boost. Likewise, any funds leftover will also be used to support our general work throughout the year.

Thank you for your support.

A Little Treat For Mum

For many of the families we help, the support network just isn’t there and many face not celebrating Mother’s Day at all. With the cost of living crisis hitting many families hard, celebrating Mother’s Day with even the smallest gift will be a luxury that they simply can not afford. Once again, our community come together and donated brand new toiletries for us to make up pampering bags. Thank you to everyone who showed kindness and donated.
We’ve been able to give out 580 pampering gifts this year.

A Little Treat For Mum

For many of the families we help, the support network just isn’t there and many face not celebrating Mother’s Day at all. With the cost of living crisis hitting many families hard, celebrating Mother’s Day with even the smallest gift will be a luxury that they simply can not afford. Once again, our community come together and donated brand new toiletries for us to make up pampering bags. Thank you to everyone who showed kindness and donated.
We’ve been able to give out 580 pampering gifts this year.