Working with Oasis to support Elmbridge families

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Over the past year, we have worked closely with Oasis, a partner organisation based in Elmbridge that provide vital support to families in crisis. We’ve been supplying them with practical items their families need, such as school uniform, clothing and baby equipment. We caught up with Caroline Edwards, Director of Services, who shared how this support has been making a significant difference.

When Louise*, a Mum of teenage twins, approached Oasis, she was in a state of desperation. She had not only been subject to domestic abuse in the past, but her eldest son had tragically died in an accident. Everything was understandably too much, and she was unable to cope. She felt very alone, without any family support. Her mental health deteriorated and unfortunately she lost her job, made worse because they were living in overcrowded accommodation. Caroline explained that Louise was very wary of seeking professional help because she hadn’t felt supported after her son’s death. She found the courage to approach Oasis because a friend recommended them from personal experience.

The twins needed the right school uniform and shoes. They had been increasingly missing school; refusing to go because they were worried they’d be picked on or called out for not having the right uniform. This anxiety is common for children their age and sadly can become a barrier to education. Mornings were often a battle to get the children to school and even when they had left the house, there was no guarantee they’d make it to school. Louise had no fight left in her and her self-esteem was at an all-time low.

Our van was ready for a scheduled delivery to the Elmbridge area, so we were able to provide all the uniform they needed, including spares to reduce the pressure of frequent washing. We learned that in the past they’d had difficulty finding school trousers that fit the son, so we supplied several sizes and styles for him to try on – just like going shopping. We also ordered the specific blouses for her daughter that the school requested, directly from the supplier for a timely delivery to Oasis.

Mum was overwhelmed with gratitude:

“You guys are incredible…like incredible! I can’t believe how much time, effort and thought has gone into helping us with school uniform. I genuinely don’t know how we would cope without your help. THANK YOU and thank you to everyone else who makes it happen.”

Thanks to Oasis and support from our School Days campaign, the cycle of anxiety around school attendance was broken, making mornings at home much calmer. While the family still face financial insecurities and have complex emotional needs, they continue to receive support from the Oasis team, and we continue to provide items when needed. It’s a step-by-step process, but we’re pleased to have helped them back on their pathway to school.

Caroline emphasised the importance of Oasis being able to offer this kind of tangible help:

“We provide various types of support, from emotional well-being courses to advocacy. However, when families come to us with complex challenges, being able to provide practical items quickly is crucial. It helps gain their trust and opens the door to deeper support.”

For another family who needed support, we were able to provide practical items for their newborn baby: a newborn baby pack, a pram, a cot and clothing. Mum was initially suspicious as she never dreamed this kind of support would be available. Her concerns quickly faded when she received the beautiful pram for her newborn, along with everything else needed for those all-important first few months. Mum burst into tears:

“Thank you for the help you have given me. I am so grateful knowing that people like you exist, helping others.”

We were delighted to hear that Mum has since felt confident enough to approach Oasis directly, having gained trust in this support network.

Our collaboration with Oasis continues to make a positive impact on families in the Elmbridge area and we thank them for passing on this encouraging feedback.

* Name changed to protect the privacy of the individual.

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